Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Chicken, dumplings, and no lice.

     I owe my sister big time. Yesterday I was at work when I got the call. "Beastie had head lice. You need to come get them NAO!!!!!11!!" So I give my boss and the charge nurse a heads up and head out the door. Pick up the kids, buy lice treatment, pick up clothes, head to mom's so I can quarantine my own house, bathe and treat kids, find NO evidence of head lice. AAARRRRGGGHHH WARGLEGARBLE!!1!!1. WFT!?
    Anyway, the kids aren't welcome back to daycare until tomorrow so I needed a sitter. Thankfully I have an awesome sister who stepped up and spent her day off with my little ankle biters. Hence the reason I owe her big. And usually when I owe her, I pay her back with food.
    We're going grocery shopping tomorrow, but in the meantime I wanted to make her a nice dinner. I had the remains of a rotisserie chicken in the fridge so I knew what I would make. Chicken and dumplings is my favorite way to use up leftover chicken, using left overs to make a whole new meal.
Tonight's version was chock full of veggies. Carrots, onions, celery, potatoes, and mushrooms. After picking what meat I could off the bones, I tossed the bones, fat and skin in some water for a quick hard boil, to make a fast stock. The veg, meat, stock, and extra broth simmered, then I dropped in the dumplings which were pancake mix with a bit of poultry seasoning. Simmer 10 minutes or so 'till the dumplings are nicely plumped. I made myself a veggie version using veggie stock and a little Kitchen Bouquet. Then we all dug in and were left a little sad when our bowls were empty.

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